Norman L. Chapa's New Book 'The Briefcase' is a Gripping Novel That Follows a Granddaughter's Fight to Keep Her Family's Name and Legacy

Fulton Books author, Norman L. Chapa, a fourth-generation Texan, former NYSE licensed financial consultant, a dedicated husband and father, has completed his most recent book "The Briefcase": a page-turning fiction on seeking justice and keeping one's family from its downfall. Alexa's grandfather is a hugely successful businessman in the high-tech industry. His skills, wit, along with a secret legacy, earned him powerful enemies who aimed for his downfall. These greedy and arrogant people will not hesitate to take desperate measures to achieve their dark plans.

Chapa shares, "Laughton Donnell Fairchild, Donnie, is a family man, a decorated war veteran, and he wants his past to remain where it belongs. He is CEO of Fairchild Interests Ltd., the rising star of the high-tech industry world, but his jealous joint venture partner, David Street, a mathematical genius, wants to literally destroy him and steal some long-lost enigmatic documents Donnie has. Mercenaries hired by David fail to kill Donnie and his wife, so on a fateful day two years later, David tries again, this time using a renowned assassin who also wants personal revenge against Donnie. A murderous consortium which is led by a corrupt, power-hungry politician wants to nationalize Donnie's company to get exclusive control over those documents for herself. Blinded by hubris, lust for revenge, and greed, these formidable enemies act with impunity and will use anyone and anything to achieve their goals.

To the rescue comes Alessandra Gabrielle, Alexa, the extraordinarily gifted granddaughter, who decides to take matters into her own hands, innocently believing that giving up those documents could actually save the family. Unfortunately, her actions bring her grandfather's and her life to the point of death. When Donnie is wounded and exposed, Alexa transforms from mere college freshman into a deliverer of instant justice. 

Now they must make a final stand to protect and preserve the family and its legacy. With so much at risk, Donnie knows even his deadly talents fall short. He hatches an intricate plan that requires putting Alexa at the forefront, but it's not enough. He knows she can't do this alone. Enter three people whose own redemption came at the hands of Donnie. Three people he once wanted to kill."

Published by Fulton Books, Norman L. Chapa's book is a deeply absorbing work with the perfect blend of politics, drama, and action. The growth of the main character surely brings satisfaction to the readers.

Readers who wish to experience this engrossing work can purchase "The Briefcase" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books