Non-Profit and For-Profit Professionals Offered Free Interactive Social Media Networking Course Online

Legions of Light Institute (501 (C) (3)) offers free, certification training for social media networking and marketing, via

In late 2010 Legions of Light Institute (LLI) [established in 1998] launched ( site dedicated to offering domestic and global business education via articles, live newsfeeds, and as of May 5th, 2011 the site will launch its beta version which will include a fully interactive online learning portal (called the LLI i-Portal). This online institute of higher learning or interactive university (Inter-Versity) will feature a variety of free courses and also more comprehensive business development certification training courses. The site is celebrating its Cinco de Mayo beta launch date, by offering free enrollment for the site's Social Media Networking/Marketing (SMNM) Certification Course.

"We are excited to offer such an innovative, online learning environment..."
-Dr. R. A. Benson (LLI Director)

The 4-week, SMNM Certification Course is designed to show professionals how to make the transition from promoters and salespersons, to social networkers. Many professionals just venturing into social media do not realize that social media is governed by a new set of rules than the internet of old (called Web 1.0). This, Web 2.0, is highly social and it takes a genuine outreach effort to achieve success with social media networking/marketing. The course incorporates over 120 websites and open source applications, designed to help professionals excel in the ever-changing online environment.

SMNM Certification Course features include:

• Operating within Web 2.0
• Introduction to Web 3.0
• Netiquette (Internet Etiquette)
• Managing Social Media Accounts
• Social Networking Effectively
• Polling
• Content Creation
• Screen Sharing/Collaboration
• Webinar Hosting
• Podcast/Blog
• Copywriting
• Online instant HTML editing
• Online Audio Editing
• Online Video Editing
• Online Image Editing
• Online Presentation Sites
• Free License Stock Images
• Free License Music Files
• Free Auto-Responder Service
• 2D Code Generation/Application
• And More...

The SMNM Certification Course offers a high level of information that can instantly be applied by course participants. The course intentionally incorporates only applications and sites that are freely accessible, so non-profit professionals can easily utilize all course components immediately.

Since this is the first semester of the Interactive Learning Portal, course enrollment is restricted to the first 150 participants to enroll. Professionals interested in participating in the course can enroll by logging on to:

About Legions of Light Institute

Legions of Light Institute
Atlanta, GA
