No God? Not So Fast! New Book Tackles Religion's Toughest Questions

In engaging and easy-to-read language, Jeffrey J. Hardy exposes the unsubstantiated rumors, opinions, and outright fabrications that have become the foundational dogma of neo-atheistic thought.

(Phoenix) - The new book by Jeffrey J. Hardy, "Dear Adam: Discussions with a budding atheist" is now available from CreateSpace Publishers and

Dogma: It's not just for religion anymore ...
In engaging and easy-to-read prose, Jeffrey J. Hardy re-opens the books to expose the unsubstantiated rumors, opinions, and outright fabrications that have become the foundational dogma of neo-atheistic thought ... and rattles the ignorance and biases of a few believers as well.

"I have had literally hundreds of conversations with neo-atheists over the last few years," said the author, Jeffrey J. Hardy. "It is continually surprising to me how the arguments and justifications of those who are beginning to define themselves as 'atheist' are often poorly-reasoned and common knowledge declarations and not thoughtful, researched conclusions."

"These are good and smart people," Hardy continued, "they have just never been exposed to all of the thinking and history involved. 'Dear Adam: Discussions with a budding atheist' documents those discussions and addresses those arguments in a way that will be engaging without being preachy."

In "Dear Adam: Discussions with a budding atheist" readers will discover:
• The "identity" of atheism
• The "Religion as Evil Hypothesis"
• The real reason for The Crusades
• The Curse of Constantine and The Inquisitions
• Is religion really responsible for more wars?
• Slavery and Scripture
• The Theory of Evolution and faith
• Is God amoral?
• The Problem of Evil

Ideal for atheists and believers alike, Hardy carves these often heavy and unapproachable topics into bite-sized chunks to walk the reader through an overview of the facts and figures, but delivers plenty of notes and references for those who want to begin a more extensive journey of discovery across a rich historical landscape covering thousands of years.

Ultimately, this book brings us closer to our own collective history of reason, faith, science, and philosophy by introducing us to the people who have been pursuing the truth since the dawn of recorded time.

"Dear Adam: Discussions with a budding atheist" is available on and from CreateSpace Publishing.

$12.99, 176 pages, 7 images, 3 tables, soft cover

Author's website:


1901 East Campbell Avenue
Phoenix, AZ
