NFL Great Ricky Williams Changes the Game to Healing

Milwaukee, WS, March 13, 2015 ( - Milwaukee, WS -- Former NFL running back Ricky Williams is teaching game-changing healing practices now that he is retired from an illustrious career on the football field. On March 13 to March 17 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Williams and co-teacher Katherine McIntosh are leading a course in consciousness, healing and positive change.
He answers questions about the major transition from receiving concussions on the football field to becoming a healing professional in a new career in an in-depth video interview here:
"Asking a question opens the possibility for change," says NFL football great Ricky Williams as he explains his career change from pro football to healing.
Ricky Williams, Former NFL, CEO Ricky Williams Foundation
Ricky William's former coach Mark Brown, who was interviewed by Texas Public Radio's David Brown in early March, said in a recent interview "When you’ve coached 30 years as a head coach and another 12 as an assistant coach….I would think that I learned as much from Ricky Williams and Vince Young here at Texas as anybody. When I was at North Carolina, the kids couldn’t wear dreadlocks. Then I came to Texas and Ricky [Williams] had them and he came to me and said: “If you let me wear dreadlocks, I’m going to stay, but if not, I’m probably going to go the NFL.”….So I said “just give me a reason why you wear them”….and he said “Coach, why don’t you learn to look inside and quit worrying about what a person looks like on the outside. You just need to learn who the person is and learn from that.” And very honestly, we did. And Coach Royal and I ended up putting a wig on with dreadlocks before the last game when he won the Heisman."
For Williams, learning that he had healing capacities as he was getting ready to retire from the NFL was a surprise, but it was born out of a lot of years of physical damage he experienced on the field. “When I look back, I realize I received concussions nearly every day on the field, from the minor to the major,” says Williams, who changed his approach to his body and his life before he retired from the Miami Dolphins. “I noticed about 80 percent of the team required pain medication even to practice, and I wanted to change that, for myself,” said Williams. He began to take courses in Access Consciousness ® and now he travels the world teaching the same courses that once helped him break free from all pain meds as an active professional ball player.
Off the field now, Ricky is also the CEO of The Ricky Williams Foundation and his flagship program Ricky's Kids, a 501 (c) 3 charitable organization dedicated to empowering wellness, health and healing in young children.
Katherine McIntosh, a Milwaukee native, is a professional healer and business coach who believes that body healing, change and a new reality is infinitely possible if you are willing to demand it of yourself. McIntosh is also a certified facilitator with Access Consciousness ®. Williams and McIntosh are teaming up March 13 for a two-hour event open to the public, designed to show people how to heal and achieve change in any area of their lives where they may have been seeking to upgrade or improve the situation.
“I like to start each day with a question,” says Williams. “Asking a question opens the possibilities for change.” Living in the question was a transition in mind-set in the locker room. “I would hear the coach tell us the plays, and in the past, I might have had some strong ideas about the strength or weaknesses of those plays. Then suddenly I would ask myself a question. I would ask myself a question about possibilities, or what I could be or do to change my personal experience that day on the field. I ask a lot of questions of myself about greatness. I changed my outlook, and my entire life changed.”
For McIntosh, coming home to Milwaukee to teach consciousness is a dream come true. “I love to give back when I have learned so much,” says McIntosh. From growing up in an impoverished household to running a six-figure business and raising a lively toddler, McIntosh beams the joy she teaches. “I am always in the question. What could be better than this? What can I be or do different to improve my day,” poses McIntosh.
Williams and McIntosh are teaming up to teach a four-day course in consciousness, with a special taster event for the public on Friday, March 13 in Milwaukee. For more information on The Ricky Williams Foundation, go here: For more information on the event in March go to
Williams answers questions in a video interview here: