New Wordsy Woman Division Aims to Help Authors and Soon-to-be Authors from Pre-Idea to Reader

The Wordsy Woman, Jodie Toohey, has launched a new division of her Wordsy Woman Word Sales and Services company. The Author Services division helps authors and soon-to-be authors from pre-idea to reader with craft advice, editing and proofreading services, and marketing planning services. Toohey says, “I realized that writing is a passion I can no longer deny. And part of that passion is a belief that my purpose in the world is to help people say what they want to say, whether that’s as a reader of things I write or helping them write their own stories.”

Her website,, features weekly posts about the writing craft, editing and proofreading, book marketing, and interviews with authors about book marketing. She also has a Do-It-Yourself section with suggested reading and resources, offers free downloadable reports, and is always open to hearing from writers. “I just love to talk to people about writing – in person or written correspondence. I’m usually pretty quiet, but when it comes to writing, I’m a conversationalist,” Toohey says.

Toohey has an MBA from the University of Iowa as well as a marketing certificate. She’s a member of Midwest Writing Center where she also volunteers, serves as Vice-President of its Board of Directors, and performs contract marketing work. She has taught several writing workshops including creative writing for beginners, making money writing online, book marketing, and a workshop for past and present military personnel. Toohey is the author of four published books; two poetry collections - Crush and Other Love Poems for Girls (2008; 2nd Edition 2015) and Other Side of Crazy (2013, 918studio) - and two novels - Missing Emily: Croatian Life Letters (2013) and Melody Madson - May It Please the Court? (2014). Her third novel, Taming the Twisted, is planned for release later this year.