New Website Preserves Voices and Memories of Cherished Loved Ones

​​​​​​​​​​​​​, an innovative website that preserves recorded messages of people’s loved ones to be played after their death, announces its launch today.

“Yes, it is true. Now you can actually hear from the dead,” said founder and creator Michael Anzalone, who started parent Family Legacy in memory of his father, Patrick.

In September of 2013 Anzalone was devastated by the loss of his father to cancer. Even though Anzalone was with his dad in his last days, the thought that he would never again hear Patrick's voice or laugh was heart wrenching. Then, two weeks after his father's passing, Anzalone got a surprise when he called his parent’s house and reached the voicemail. “Sorry, we're not in right now. Please leave a message,” was all the outgoing message by his late dad said. But it was so comforting to Anzalone that he immediately called back to hear that familiar voice again.

With that, the idea of was born. Family Legacy is passionate about preserving voices, thoughts and images in a fully interactive format. Upon a member's passing, their loved ones will be able to listen to the deceased's personal messages on a computer, tablet or Smartphone beginning on dates previously specified by the member. Recipients will be notified of the messages via email or text. Messages will be delivered on holidays, special occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries, and on any other day that the member designated.

“Our hope is that Family Legacy will provide comfort to the bereaved, while preserving legacies for years and years,” Anzalone said. “What would I give to be able to just get on my computer or phone and hear my dad’s voice anytime I want.”

Memberships start at $29.99 per individual or four for $99.99. Family Legacy plans to add new additions and features to its line-up to enhance and keep its platform fresh and innovative.

 About Family Legacy USA, LLC.

 ​Family Legacy USA, LLC is a developer of web- and app-based products that preserve the audio and video legacies of the departed. Using proprietary API programming, the FL USA products are also designed for individuals who are preparing for their own eventual passage. Comprised of a skilled in-house team of web developers, programmers, graphic artists and marketing specialists, the company harnesses the power of technology to make it easy for individuals to preserve their words, thoughts and memories for future generations. In so doing, the Family Legacy products offer both solace to the bereaved and peace of mind to those who will soon depart.

In addition, FL USA will soon expand into digital ancestry archives, creating audio and visual biographies to last an eternity. Looking ahead, Family Legacy, LLC plans to develop additions to and Family Legacy, including specialty and custom designed applications (APIs) with licensed Family Legacy proprietary technology to the global marketplace.

Media Contact:

Kevin E. Wright
