New Watergate Book Release: 'Watergate and the Grave National Security Matter'

The World Turned Upside Down

A new book about the scandal that shook and forced a president to forfeit his office contains what the author calls "The untold story about Watergate and Richard Nixon's downfall." To order a print copy or ebook (Kindle) edition of "Watergate and the Grave National Security Matter", go to and then go to the "About" section.

The book states that Daniel Ellsberg, who released The Pentagon Papers to the New York Times was considered by the Nixon Administration as the "The Most Dangerous Man in America" and was subject to a covert operation by the Nixon administration but there was at the same time a companion operation known in Watergate tapes as "The California Caper." President Nixon, says the book's author, considered an active duty Air Force officer a Soviet spy in a conspiracy with Ellsberg and that covert actions were taken to "neutralize" and destroy this officer, who was a seasoned criminal investigator and counterintelligence/counterespionage agent. Unknown to the Nixon administration, the officer detected certain governmental actions; however, the actions destroyed a promising military career in the national security field. President Nixon, states the book, called it a "grave national security matter" that should never be disclosed. The book goes on to say that it was feared that public knowledge of this grave national security matter would destroy the command and control of the entire U.S. military.

The official version of Watergate is as wrong as a Flat Earth Society pamphlet.

G. Gordon Liddy

The author, Jerry Rogers, asserts he was the Air Force officer. This book provides his comprehensive public records research, efforts to debrief Watergate principals, and his own military experiences, especially as relates to Watergate.

Media Contact Information
Jerry Rogers

Source: Jerry Rogers

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838 North Calle de Pinos
Palm Springs, CA