New TV Commercial Features Architects, Engineers Calling for New WTC Building 7 Investigation

From Viral Video to Paid TV - Second Cycle of Escalating Awareness Campaign Related to Collapse of Third WTC Building on 9/11/01 is Launched on

Launched this week, a new 30-second viral video spot is the second and latest tool in an escalating cycle of Internet exposure, fundraising, and the purchase of commercial TV time all focused around a campaign called Remember Building 7.

The spot, available on the site, features a rapid montage of architects, engineers and surviving 9/11 family members disputing the official account of the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 - a 47-story office tower, never hit by an airplane - that fell nearly 7 hours after the Twin Towers came down on September 11, 2001. The participants urge viewers to go to the site to learn more about Building 7 and the ongoing campaign for a fresh investigation.

An earlier commercial, which went viral last September when the campaign was called BuildingWhat?, raised $100,000 and enabled a commercial television buy around New York City in November. The new commercial, representing the latest escalation in the awareness campaign, is expected to follow a similar trajectory.

Featured in the commercial are Bob McIlvaine, Manny Badillo, Jane Pollicino, and Valerie Lucznikowska, all of whom lost family members on September 11, architects William Brinnier and Leslie Young, structural engineer Michael Donly, and mechanical engineer Tony Szamboti. The commercial was produced by The Means of Production in DUMBO, Brooklyn, NY. John Kirby is director; Libby Handros is producer.

RememberBuilding7 is a project of two groups, the New York City Coalition for Accountability Now (NYC CAN) and Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness of the free-fall collapse of Building 7; to inform the public that over 1,400 architects and engineers dispute the official 2008 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) report attributing the collapse to fire, calling it "physically impossible"; and to bring the public to call upon the New York City Council to impanel a new investigation.

The new round of viral and TV exposure is designed to attract scrutiny by a new level of self-identified reasonable people to view the evidence for themselves.

The first campaign attracted the attention of Fox News Channel journalist Geraldo Rivera, who invited Bob McIlvaine and Tony Szamboti on his program, "Geraldo At Large," in November. Rivera even showed video footage of himself in 2008 mocking demonstrators who were calling 9/11 "an inside job." Back then, he told them, "Get a life," but after seeing the ad last fall he said, "I am certainly much more open-minded about it than I was."

Rivera then appeared as a guest on Judge Andrew Napolitano's Fox Business Network program, "Freedom Watch," to discuss his shift in perspective.

The campaign's creators are participating in an all-day conference to be held Saturday, March 26 at the University of Hartford's Millard Auditorium in West Hartford, Connecticut, titled "Investigate Building 7 - A Call to Reexamine The Most Important Event of Our Time." Featured speakers include author Craig Unger, New York University Professor Mark Crispin Miller, attorney Dr. William Pepper, journalist Leslie Griffith, architect Richard Gage, and McIlvaine, Badillo and Szamboti, among others. Presentations will include "Foreknowledge of Building 7′s Collapse," "The Evolution of the Fire-Based Theory for Building 7," "Structural Aspects of Building 7′s Collapse: Why the NIST Report is Non-Explanatory," and "Failure To Report," a panel addressing media resistance to critically reporting the collapse of Building 7.


About New York City Coalition for Accountability Now (NYC CAN)

New York City Coalition for Accountability Now (NYC CAN)
New York City,
