New Trekking Trails in Annapurna Region

Alternative trekking routes in Annapurna region to be escaped from recently constructed motorable road

With more than 100,000 visitors in 2012, the Annapurna region is by far Nepals most popular trekking destination. In recent years, however, road construction crucial for the locals to access markets has hampered trekking in the region. In a bid to sustain Annapurnas trekking industry in the long-term, officials are now working together to explore and develop new trekking trails that will provide alternatives to routes obstructed by motorable roads.

The driving force behind the initiative, the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) has identified a number of new routes that could be developed especially for tourists on shorter visits and looking for a soft adventure and cultural experience in comparison to more strenuous high-altitude trekking. Narendra Lama of ACAPs Pokhara Office said the new routes assured magnificent views of various mountain peaks. Trekkers can also enjoy the cultural diversity while on these routes, added Lama.

The proposed routes can be completed in two to eight days: a five day trek from Tanting in the Kaski district to Bhujung in Lamjung, a four day trek from Bhujung to Dudhpokhari in Lamjung and a trek from Sikles in Kaski to Timang in the Manang district. The longest route, which spans eight days, starts from Khudi in Lamjung and ends at the secluded Nar and Phu villages in Manang.

According to ACAP, all the new routes will be away from the Beni-Jomsom and Beshisahar-Chame road sections. As these road sections have hampered trekking in the region, we explored new routes away from these dusty roads, Nar Bahadur Amgai, a senior conservationist with ACAP said. Amgai said ACAP will work in coordination with the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, the Trekking Agencies Association of Nepal, the Nepal Tourism Board, and the District Development Committee of the concerned districts to develop the trails.

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