New Self-Help Book Published For Leadership To Help Ministries Become Successful
Online, March 19, 2013 ( - Dr. Victoria Brown, also known as the Detroit Business Coach, was never one to sit back and watch the deterioration of various ministries. She has stepped-up to the plate, and is publishing a book with ASA Publishing Company, of Detroit, Michigan, that will change the way ministries think about what is the meaning of success, in both the eyes of God, and in the eyes of their members. (
Dr. Brown poses the question: "Are we holding back our members from succeeding in the Kingdom of God, in order to keep them confined within our own church walls? And why aren't we teaching them how to become successful in their own business lives?". A ministry should always be growing, as that is what spreading "The Word of God", is all about. Church Ministries are looking to Tithes and Offerings, yet they do not realize that a membership of achievers will have the income to better support their ministry financially. (
This book, "Why My Ministry Not Growing?", is going to make it very clear what needs to be done, and gives a plan to steer the ministry towards growth, and financial strength. Support the dreams and aspirations of the membership outside of the ministry, and the rewards will be ten-fold. When the membership goes home, they need to feel that the ministry not only gives religious support, but is also there to give counsel on ethics and family growth, and a better lifestyle by starting a business. Helping people to build businesses helps to meet the needs of having a strong community, outside of the church.
Dr. Brown explains the methodology behind taking successful business practices and incorporating them into the development of a business plan. This is why so many ministries become stagnant, and they must realize that any entity that must have an income, must have a plan. Here will be found the knowledge to market the ministry through not only Evangelism, but also Community Relations, and Social Networks.
Dr. Brown explains: "Open up your minds to additional ways to gain income for your ministry and business. Stop tapping-out your members, because they don't have it. Teach them to be successful in their private lives, and it will come back to the ministry as well. Don't become so used to the struggle, that you lose sight of the destination - the promised land itself".
For more information on this new book-release: