New Film Documents the Work of a Groundbreaking Anti-Violence Activist.

New film spotlights heroic mom. "Mother In Charge" documents the work of a groundbreaking anti-violence activist.

In 2011, Rosilyn Temple lost her son to homicide. She began a personal search for justice. That search has now become her calling – and that calling that could transform cities nationwide. Temple has become a passionate leader in the fight against gun violence and homicide in Kansas City, MO. 

At every homicide scene in the area, Rosilyn offers comfort and counseling to the grieving families. She helps mothers and fathers, explaining why they can’t rush to the body of a fallen child. She quiets emotional crowds and asks them to let the police do their work. She will canvass neighborhoods after a violent crime, urging people to call the police with tips. In so doing, Rosilyn fills a dire need – a terrible gap between the police departments and the families who are struck by violence. Rosilyn also founded the Kansas City chapter of Mothers in Charge, an organization whose mission is violence prevention, education and intervention for youth, teens, families and community organizations. In that capacity, Rosilyn works with the KCPD, FBI, ATF, Jackson County Prosecutor's Office and the US. Attorney's Office. 

Her efforts are now being recognized nationwide. Rosilyn travels the county spreading her message, and her work is becoming a model for other community activists. She was recently named the 2015 Citizen of the Year by the Kansas City Star, and awarded the FBI Kansas City division's Director’s Community Leadership Award. 

Filmmaker Jon Brick is extremely pleased to tell Rosilyn’s story. Brick, a Kansas City native, has worked with Emmy- and Oscar-winning filmmakers, television networks, and world-class clientèle including; Real Time with Bill Maher, Yahoo! News, The Charlie Rose Show, Nickelodeon, Getty Film, and The White House. 

To tell Rosilyn’s story, Jon has been filming her work for more than a year, documenting Rosilyn's groundbreaking work with grief-stricken families and community leaders. Now, Jon has begun a Kickstarter campaign to help raise awareness of this important film. With the funds raised, Brick will complete editing, submit the work to film festivals and seek distribution channels.

The goal of the film, Brick says, "Is to inspire people to take a stand against violence and homicide. If one woman can make a difference, imagine what could happen if individuals and communities everywhere take a stand against violence. Rosilyn is proof that, with passion, determination and faith, one woman can make a major impact. ” 

To learn more about this potentially transformative film, contact Jon Brick at:

Phone: 415-806-0915
