New Feature Release: Click Map Reporting to Easily Review Content Popularity And Template Design

Newsweaver Newsletter Software today announced a new product release that includes Click Map Reporting.

Newsweaver today announced a new product release that included Click Map Reporting.

This new report called "Click Maps" gives our customers a visually maps of which links their readers are clicking. You'll see how many clicks each link received - and on every single page of that edition. Plus, each click tab is colour-coded so you can assess where your hottest performers happened in the publication (red, most popular, yellow and then blue for least active).
Denise cox, lead consultant with Newsweaver said "I'm very excited about the Click Map feature just launched here at Newsweaver. This post-send report provides a visual 'big picture' of all click activity within a specific edition of your newsletter. This is something I've been doing manually as part of my consultation with clients. I printed out an edition of a publication and wrote the number of clicks next to each link. It always brings the raw metrics of a mailing to life."

This great tool allows our customer to understand how readers are interacting with their emails.
First, its 'big picture' easy to see:
· What content didn't get responses
· What links got the most attention
· Over a series of mailings it may help you spot parts of your design that are causing content blind spots

Actionable Insight from Newsweaver
· Repeat content that didn't get the clicks. There are a number of reasons a link didn't get clicked, such as text too long and they didn't bother reading, text didn't compel them to click. Rewrite your synopsis and run the article again.
· Check your calls to action - should 'read more' be changed to 'register now' or something more active and relevant to that content?
· If areas of your newsletter never get clicks, tease the content in that section higher up in the newsletter - such as the pre-text area or the preview pane.
· Another solution to getting better clicks involves your newsletter template design: if you don't have a permanent area of your template that serves as a table of contents area, consider adding one. It should be viewable in the preview pane. This helps reader's scan to find what they want. And, because this table of contents appears on every page of your newsletter's template (home page and article back pages), it encourages multiple clicks by each subscriber.
· It's possible you have too much content, or more likely it may FEEL like too much content to your reader. Review your layout. If you are putting a series of articles onto one long page it will be difficult for people to scroll through this dense mass of text to find what they want to click on. A series of synopsis's and calls to action, each leading to their own back page or landing page, makes for a more scannable - and more clicked - newsletter. And, it gives you better engagement metrics for each piece of content.

This great new feature is just one small part of the Subscriber insight you get from Newsweaver In-depth Reporting.
Use your Click Maps, along with all your other reports available to you, to make decisions on what to test. Testing ideas are endless, but here are a few: Test where you place content. Test your calls to action. Test repeating articles. Test less content. Test smaller synopsis, but same amount of content in your newsletter. Test segmenting your audience and sending them more tailored content.

About Newsweaver
Newsweaver Newsletter Software is an email newsletter software provider that enables organisations to create, deliver and track meaningful email campaigns. Our customers use our technology to create email campaigns that will give them higher levels of engagement with their audiences than any other system in the industry today. The key benefit experienced by our customers is deeper customer insight. This results in higher levels of revenue and increased customer loyalty.

For release on 28th September 2011
Media Contact: Ãine Dunleavy, Marketing Executive - Newsweaver. Tel: 00353 21 242 7290,,