New Dating Site Gains Respect from Customers

Soul2Match has been chosen as a winner for Best New Dating Site of 2012 and Most Innovative Dating Site of 2012 in the annual Readers' Choice Awards.

This month, Soul2Match has been chosen as a winner for Best New Dating Site of 2012 and Most Innovative Dating Site of 2012 in the annual Readers' Choice Awards. During the one-month voting phase fans could show their support in each category through email, or log in via Facebook or accounts.

"I am so happy to see that Soul2Match has been voted as number one in not just one, but TWO categories!" says Linda van Liempt, the co-founder of Soul2Match. " is a serious player; the nominations already made me extra proud of our product, and then win them both!"

Soul2Match is an innovative online dating website using facial analysis software, which was founded by three European entrepreneurs. Their knowledge and experience shows that love is not only 'in the air', but can also be based on science. Recent scientific research confirms people are attracted to others who resemble their close genetic counterparts and these can be measured in our facial features. The more you match, the happier couples are in long-term relationships. This is what Soul2Match is based on.

Instead of completing a long questionnaire, a photo can say more than a thousand words. After uploading the photos, the biometric software of Soul2Match analyzes facial features and the bone structure, helping to detect levels of soulmate love and friendship.

Subscribers can use the Soul2Match Flirt Wall to check out who else is out there also looking for love and to check out how good they match together; couples can also use the Match Wall to receive the compatibility score with their (potential) mate by uploading their photos. It's that simple. Love is potentially one special click away.

Media Inquiries
Linda van Liempt or Jorn Eiting

About Soul2Match
