MyGuideInParis Launches A Blog About Paris

MyGuideInParis Launches a Blog about Paris' best kept secret places: reviews of new restaurants, bars, tours, activities and exhibitions in Paris written by their senior trip planners.

MyGuideInParis, subsidiary of the concierge company Unique Paris, just announced that they launched a new blog in February 2011 to publish their expert travel planners' reviews about the new restaurants, bars, tours and activities in Paris. Carine Beauvisage, managing director and co-founder of the company, explains that "the senior trip planners at MyGuideInParis are required to go out a lot every week. They try at least 5 to 10 new restaurants/shops/exhibitions every week in every other street corner. Their knowledge of Paris best addresses is huge and this was a unique opportunity to transmit part of these reviews to both website readers and members". After only 1 month, around 20 posts were added on the blog: the last post for instance is a review of the theatre one-man show "How to become parisian in an hour?" with Olivier Giraud at the Theatre de la Main d'Or.

In 2010, MyGuideInParis managed more than 500 clients' stays in Paris (average length : 3.2 days). The average client is a senior employee or director in a big US company and he comes to Paris in family or in couple to spend between 1000 and 3000 USD per person in Paris (excluding accomodation and flight tickets).

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