Must Have Device of 2011 to Monitor Your Family's Safety, From Hunter Technologies

With the Hunter Technologies GPS Tracking and Diagnostics Module you can monitor your family's location, receive accident alerts in the event of a crash, recover stolen vehicles and equipment or even monitor employee productivity.

Hunter Technologies LLC is introducing what will be the latest and greatest in vehicle monitoring and diagnostics with a unit that has all the same features as units that cost 10 times the price. With a new microchip and a component that is used in the Nintendo Wii game console we have been able to incorporated many new features that no one else can offer such as accident SMS alerts, diagnostics to name a few. Best of all, this in a package that is about the size of a deck of playing cards.

The Owner of Hunter Technologies, Trevor Hunter, has been developing green technologies for years now, and this device is an outgrowth from a previous project at another Hunter enterprise, Go Green Fleet Solutions.

Go Green Fleet Solutions deals with an auxiliary power unit for over-the-road trucks that is manufactured by Life Force Energy Corp. This auxiliary power unit allows the truck driver to have heat/air/electricity without having to idle his truck while stopped. These units use much less fuel than if the truck was idling. The newest APU is a hybrid which runs on propane and a battery pack. This battery pack is quite expensive at $3500, but it is eligible for a $2500 carbon credit each year. Go Green Fleet Solutions was entertaining the thought of supplying the batteries at no charge and retaining the carbon credits, but in order to do that we would have to be able to monitor the mileage of the truck. Solving that challenge is where the tracking and diagnostic module came from. It was obvious that the module had many more uses than just tracking the location of an APU.

The Hunter Technologies tracking and diagnostic module is bound to make some waves in the market as it offers a lot of features that none of the others offer. The majority of the other GPS tracking units that are available are recorders only -- they are placed on a vehicle for a period of time and then removed and the data is manually downloaded. These units can cost as much as $600-$700.

The other units on the market are real-time tracking devices that require a $30-$40 monthly service plan for a data uplink, and usually cost in the neighborhood of $300-$400 or more, but the only feature they offer is tracking.

The Hunter Technologies top-of-the-line module comes in at a inexpensive $269 and if there is a data uplink fee at all, it will only be $5 to $10 per month. At this price, the consumer will be getting a tracking unit and a diagnostic module which reads the vehicle's computer constantly and monitors for any problems. The unit also has the ability to send a user a SMS message when an airbag is deployed or the car experiences a sudden high G-Force which indicates a rear end collision or a rollover which may not set off the airbag. This sounds somewhat complicated but it basically means that when a vehicle is in an accident, the person monitoring the vehicle immediately knows not only that the car has been in an accident , but also knows the location, so help can be sent in a timely manner. This is a huge advantage if the accident occurred in an isolated location or if the vehicle went off the road and ended up in a place not visible from the road.

The release of the unit is scheduled for April 2011, we will begin taking orders from the general public as early as March. Wholesale orders have already been received from companies such as GlobalVerge which has already placed an order for 1000 units. There is a simple form on the Hunter Technologies website that can be used to sign up to receive special offers and updates about ordering. Visit for more details.

About Hunter Technologies LLC

Hunter Technologies LLC

Rutherfordton, NC
