Multi-Visions Announces Sticky Password Retail Box Launch in North America

Multi-Visions Announces Sticky Password Retail Box Launch in North America

Multi-Visions and Sticky Password are proud to announce that Sticky Password's full featured password manager is now available in retail stores across North America.

"We are excited to be partnering with Multi-Visions, a leader in the distribution of specialized IT security, to bring more awareness and accessibility to our password management solution in North America," said Petr Bilek, Sticky Password CEO. "This is a great opportunity to reach more users, and we look forward to our continued growth as a password management solution that enables improved security of a user's online life."

The retail box can be found on store shelves or ordered online. You can currently find Sticky Password retail boxes at the following locations:

Target: In most locations
Fry's: Fry' and in store
MicroCenter : and in store

More locations (Amazon, Office Depot, Office Max, and many more coming soon!).

If you would like to carry the product or would like the name of the closest reseller in your area call or e-mail us at or call 877-318-6868.
We are also processing new reseller applications.

*Note: The boxes are selling out very quickly. Please check the website for availability near you.*

Sticky Password
Sticky Password, founded in 2001, is a utility software that creates and organizes passwords to simplify a user's online life without compromising security. Sticky Password provides automatic login, one-click form filling, storage for personal data, and basic collaboration functionality for small groups. It brings "set and forget" password management technology to the world. Security leaders like Kaspersky Labs among others have selected Sticky Password to power elements of their own product solutions. Sticky Password is available at and at major retailers including Target, Fry's, MicroCenter and Amazon.

Media Contacts:
Multivisions Canada, Inc.
Marc Attalla
Vice President