MTSS-mba Membership Benefits Administration Software for Private & Taft-Hartley Employee Benefit Funds Adds Faster Eligibility Process Engine

Talbot Business Solutions, LLC, a premier software solutions provider, announced today the release of a new and faster Eligibility Process Engine for its Employee Benefits Administration software product, MTSS-mba.

Talbot Business Solutions, LLC, a premier software solutions provider, announced today the release of a new and faster eligibility process engine for its Employee Benefits Administration software product, MTSS-mba. The new eligibility process engine will be incorporated into both the general release and the TPA versions of the MTSS-mba product line of solutions by the end of July 2012.

A major requirement of any benefit administration software is the ability to perform massive numbers of eligibility calculations quickly, consistently and without errors. The internal systems and services supporting this functionality in MTSS-mba, are very specialized, synchronously intricate and highly tuned. Together they form a module called the "Eligibility Process Engine". This engine is the underpinning of MTSS-mba and the powerhouse behind the exceptional speeds achieved by the eligibility calculation process.

Final testing of the new engine included extreme "real world" load environments while carefully monitoring speed and durability. Results showed the new eligibility process engine was able to complete H&W eligibility calculations on a population of one million participants (not including dependents), in less than 7 minutes. The same process on a population of five hundred thousand participants completed in just under three minutes, or nearly 3,000 participants per second. This represents a 100% increase in throughput over the prior calculation engine, which was also a high performing engine.

Performance improvements of this magnitude are a huge speed advantage for any benefit process stream and translate directly into operational savings.

In use since 1991, MTSS-mba has continued to develop and mature into a feature-rich. powerful enterprise solution that efficiently manages benefit fund data for Health and Welfare, Pension, Legal Services and other employee benefit programs with ease. Difficult tasks such as H&W eligibility tracking and pension vesting calculations, are performed effortlessly and the integrated document imaging modules enable immediate access to scanned source documents for visual verification of data.

MTSS-mba has a customizable, modular design that affords seamless integration to accommodate any work-flow environment -- from the simplest single fund entity to the most complicated multi-fund, multi-entity organization having hundreds of thousands of benefit participants.

MTSS-mba enables benefit administrators to conserve resources, reduce expenses and increase revenues, and turn benefits administration into a profit center!

About Talbot Business Solutions, LLC

Talbot Business Solutions, LLC
Gaithersburg, MD
Gaithersburg, MD
