Moms-to-be Choose Hubbies As Massage Therapists

Relax! Productions Inc. launches in-depth DVD that teaches partners how to effectively massage their pregnant girlfriends and wives.

Lean back, relax your muscles and let all of the stress slide downward for the earth to absorb. It's not so easy when you're home to a melon-sized fetus and several pounds of embryonic fluid!

Pregnant women need a helping hand when it comes to getting comfortable. Relax Massage Productions gave them something much more effective: A DVD. This is no ordinary Saturday-night flick, however.

The Wilmington, N.C.-based firm recently revealed an educational video that teaches husbands and boyfriends how to properly massage their partners during those difficult trimesters.

Gretchen Rivas, a licensed massage therapist and founder of Relax Massage Productions, spearheaded the DVD after her clients insisted they wanted more comfort, more often.

"I was working on one of my clients, who operates a videography company," Rivas recalls. "She looked up at me and said 'I wish my husband would have known this stuff when I was pregnant.' The light just sort of went off, and we decided to create a video that would teach guys how to do pregnancy massage effectively."

Relax Massage Productions will launch its first installment of a series this fall. Already, the company has received an outpouring of interest from moms-to-be looking for affordable relief to the aches and pains of pregnancy.

"As far as they're concerned, we can't produce this video fast enough," Rivas said. "The demand is there, now comes the solution."

About Relax Productions Inc.

Relax Productions Inc.

Wilmington, NC
