Mommy Meditations Brings New Solace To Women With Postpartum Depression

Over 80% Of New Moms Experience Postpartum Symptoms. Mommy Meditations can help.

Los Angeles, Ca (June 15, 2010) - New moms experience a variety of feelings when their baby arrives, including love, joy and happiness. But when those wonderful feelings turn to depression, agitation and anger, the job of being mommy can feel overwhelming and even unwelcome.
Negative feelings after birth, symptoms of postpartum depression, impact nearly four in five new moms. Historically, these mothers have had little choice other than turning to therapy or medication for help. Mommy Meditations provides a new alternative for relief. What makes it a uniquely valuable resource is that it empowers a mother to take control of her own well-being. So rather than relying on a therapist or pill, new mothers learn how to prevail over their own negative feelings through the calming and healing benefits of meditation along with powerful insights from Dr. Kerri Parks, Ob/Gyn.
Inspiration for creating Mommy Meditations came after a trip to the doctor when co-creator Devin Bailey and his wife learned that she was at high risk for postpartum depression. Upon this diagnosis, the Bailey's conducted extensive research on the post-pregnancy "baby blues." They learned that outside of drugs and psychology there was little available to women experiencing the extreme hormonal changes that occur after childbirth.
"With nearly 12,000 women giving birth each day, 10,000 of whom are at-risk for postpartum depression, we felt there should be a new option for helping all new moms maximize their happiness and quality of life," said Devin Bailey.
The Bailey's research lead them to Dr. Kerri Parks, Ob/Gyn, whose subsequent collaboration was driven by a special connection to the value Mommy Meditations held for new moms. As the mother of four children, she personally battled postpartum depression and the overwhelming loss of her husband to a fatal car crash just days before the birth of her last child. However, using meditative practices she emerged a happy, successful single parent with four healthy and happy children.
According to Dr. Parks, "Mommy Meditations' targeted meditation system provides women with a better chance of maintaining their emotional balance and fully appreciating the joys of motherhood."
Narrated by Dr. Parks, the CD provides techniques designed to help new moms ease their mental and physical distress. As a new mother progresses through the system she learns how to make positive changes that allow her to be a healthier, happier and more effective mom.
Mommy Meditations can also be a beneficial addition to a therapeutic program overseen by a doctor or therapist. Complete with inspiring insights from Dr. Parks, guided meditation, calming music, MOMtras (mommy affirmations) and more, the CD retails for $19.99 or .99 for individual downloadable tracks and is available at

About Postpartum Depression
"Postpartum depression (PPD) is a temporary depression related to pregnancy and childbirth. It comes in two forms: early onset commonly referred to as the "baby blues," and late onset. The early-onset type is mild and may affect as many as 80% of women after they deliver. It stars after delivery and usually resolves within a couple of weeks without medical treatment. The later-onset form is what most people think of as postpartum depression. This more severe form is usually recognized several weeks after delivery. Overall it affects about 10% - 16% of women.
Symptoms of the "baby blues" include sadness, anxiety, tearfulness, and trouble sleeping. These symptoms usually appear within several days of delivery and go away by 10 to 12 days after the birth. Usually the only treatment needed is reassurance and some help with household chores and care of the baby. About 20% of women who have postpartum blues will develop more lasting depression. So it is very important to let your doctor know if you experience "blues" that last longer than two weeks." [Source: WebMD]
Mommy Meditations should not be considered a cure for postpartum depression, nor a substitute for medical and/or psychological consultation. However, it can help new moms recognize, understand and better manage related feelings that may not yet be clear.

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