Mobile Marketing Are You Really Open for Business?
Online, May 5, 2014 ( - It's the great dream of most people to be in business for themselves, to be their own boss. The opportunity to make their own choices on, "How things run around here" but I don't have to tell you but I will, the number of people that fail and turn the open sign to a permanently closed sign is staggering.
Yep, they get a great idea, have some money in the Bank or have friends and family that do, go at it a zillion miles an hour. In most cases the Market Research consists of, "What a great Idea" and set up shop. They will usually have a grand opening party of which family and friends will say, "Awesome, Sensational" pat you on the back, tell you to remember them when your "Rich" but once they are gone you will usually sit back and read Ferrari brochures whilst you wait for the queue of customers to form.
Weeks will go by, the excitement you had for changing displays, spruiking outside for business, smiles and handshakes for "Lookers" walking in will slowly fade into looking at Facebook on your Cell phone. No sooner can you say, "I will pay that next week" will the Ferrari brochure be replaced by an Information pack on public transport!
Ok, so it's not always that bad but it can be. It seems that although some of these Ideas are great and could turn into potential funds for that Ferrari, a lot end up on the Bus. The reason? Most people that open a small business seem to forget that your family and friends, walk in lookers can only support you for a little, you actually need to find new customers and continue to do so.
You need to learn and practise a really good habit, "Promotion"
"I don't have money for Marketing" will be the first cry, well it doesn't have to be a lot I answer.
You see all those people walking past your Business, cycling, driving? We'll all of them have one thing in Common. What is it? 99% of them have a Mobile Phone and so do their friends and family.
I'm on the Net you scream. Now I know that you probably have sweated over that free website program and made yourself a Website that your kindergarten teacher would be proud of you, but the big question, is it Mobile?
Have you got something that those walk buys can see on their Phone, have you got a promotions button they can press and in a flash see what great things you have to have offer, can they share that with interested friends and family at the click of a button?
Is it easy for you to update so like goldfish mentality potential customers can walk past your business and shout, "That's New" as they see offers and services changing weekly.
So, are your Promotions Mobile? If not are you really open for business?
Enjoy the day and remember no Second Chance on a First Impression, Get Mobile