Mirna Bard Proudly Accepts an Invitation from Visa Business Network to Mentor 100,000 Community Members

Visa Business Network invites social media consultant, Mirna Bard, to help mentor its active 100,000 small business community.

Mirna Bard, a hype-free social media consultant and speaker, proudly accepted an invitation from the Visa Business Network to help mentor its active community of 100,000 small business owners. Visa Inc. recognizes the important role that social media plays in small business today and has upgraded the Visa Business Network to include new features that help the small business community connect, learn, and accomplish goals.

Mirna Bard and other mentors will play a vital role in Visa's small business community. Each mentor will give personalized help and guidance to small business owners who have questions on the site. "I was excited and truly honored to be selected as one of the social media mentors for the Visa Business Network," said Mirna Bard, social media strategy consultant. "Entrepreneurs and small business owners continue to struggle with leveraging social media for their business, and are missing out on the tremendous opportunities the Internet has to offer. I am extremely enthused about helping businesses any way I possibly can because enjoy sharing my knowledge of the social web to assist all businesses succeed online. I will be offering advice on social media to help business owners gain more clarity, eliminate confusion, and reduce overwhelm when it comes to promoting their businesses through social media sites, such as Facebook."

The Visa Business Network invited mentors based on expertise in the topic/goal area, previous mentor experience, small business experience, previous active online community involvement, ability to help provide initial goal content, enthusiasm for selected goal and helping small businesses succeed. Business owners now have exceptional experts right at their fingers tips, and should take advantage of this opportunity.

It is easy and free to join Visa's rapidly-growing community. You can quickly create your profile by visiting www.visabusinessnetwork.com.

About Mirna Bard
Mirna Bard, a business strategy expert and social media consultant empowers executives and entrepreneurs to leverage the Internet, so they can attract bigger and better opportunities for their business. She has helped many businesses create a sustainable strategy so they can consistently attract new prospects, build stronger bonds with customers, empower employees, boost leads and increase sales. Mirna is also an author and world-known social media speaker as well as an instructor of social media at the University of California, Irvine, CA. You can find more information on Mirna and get practical, hype-free social media and business advice at http://www.MirnaBard.com/blog.