Mike Stickler Launches Free Online Fundraising Training For Nonprofits and Ministries

Reno, NV, November 3, 2014 (Newswire.com) - Nonprofits and ministries depend on fundraising to raise awareness and money for charity – but unfortunately, many of these same people find themselves uncomfortable with actually asking for money.
This is precisely what inspired Mike Stickler - author, philanthropist, Pastor, and nonprofit coach – to launch The HeArt of Fundraising. This is a free online webinar designed to help nonprofits and ministries change how they feel about fundraising.
"Mike Stickler is an expert in the field of organizational development. From strategic planning and board development to finding funding, Mike and his team provide proven expertise and experience."
Dr. Glenn Barth, Founder - GoodCities
“I often hear fundraising feels like begging or manipulating,” says Stickler, who will be presenting The HeArt of Fundraising. “But most nonprofits and ministries have an incorrect concept of fundraising, where they perceive it as a chore or necessary evil. Yet, fundraising is really another opportunity where you can be an encouragement to others and build lifelong friendships, if approached properly.
“That’s precisely what I’ve done with The HeArt of Fundraising,” he adds.
In this free webinar training program, participants will learn the key to being an inspiration to others, as well as how to use fundraising as a vehicle for creating real partnerships. Participants will also learn:
· The difference between “needs-based” fundraising and “vision-based” fundraising;
· The mistakes that are often made in fundraising, and how not to repeat them;
· How to use a single day a week to change the culture of giving;
· The natural step-by-step process to draw the community into a relationship.
As a bonus for registering, participants can also receive two pre-webinar training courses, all the course materials, and Stickler’s book, Getting Off To The Right Start. Learn more about The HeArt of Fundraising here.
About Mike Stickler
Mike Stickler is an author, consultant, philanthropist, Pastor and founder of the worldwide organizations The Vision Group Ltd. He has over 20 years of experience helping nonprofits, ministries, and individuals achieve the funding they need to fulfill their vision. You can subscribe to Mike's Generous Living Magazine here.