Michigan Personal Injury Lawyer Creates Infographic To Compare Students Vs. Prisoners Benefits

Michigan personal injury lawyer creates Students vs. Prisoners infographic to display the difference between benefits of students and prisoners in Michigan.

The Michigan personal injury lawyers of Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. recently creates an infographic on the difference between benefits of students in our Michigan school system vs. prisoners in the State of Michigan. The idea for the infographic came from a proposal by Nathan Bootz, the Superintendent of Ithaca Public Schools, about financial cuts in spending for social services and public education. His proposal was to make schools more like prison - meaning equal funding for both the student and the prisoner.

The Students vs. Prisoners infographic visually displays the comparison of Michigan spending priorities. According to the Children's Defense Fund Michigan Education Association, $9,575 is the average spending per student per year in Michigan versus the amount of $28,570 per prisoner per year in the State of Michigan. This is displayed in the infographic along with a list of benefits, such as free health care, free sports program, funding to earn a degree, and laundry services that are available to prisoners but not students.

Superintendent Bootz writes in his proposal, adequately funding schools would give them "the resources necessary to keep our students out of prison."

Cuts have been made to school spending, but prison spending has also been cut in the budget in the Michigan legislature approved in May. However, proportionately it was half the cut inflicted on public schools.

To learn more about Michigan's spending priorities and to see the Students vs. Prisoners infographic, visit http://bit.ly/studentsvsprisoners

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