Matthew Coleridge's New Book 'The Big Blue Turtle: The Meaning of Life and How to Survive Death' is a Great Read of the Concepts of Life, Death, and One's True Purpose

Fulton Books author Matthew Coleridge has an advanced degree in literary theory and is an expatriate who has been working and traveling abroad for the past 13 years. He has completed his most recent book "The Big Blue Turtle: The Meaning of Life and How to Survive Death": a remarkable discussion about life and death and human world development that people might find significant for their existence, allowing them to understand their life's true purpose.

Coleridge shares, "'Why are we here?' To learn. However, this is a difficult task as much of the truly useful information is often hidden, and one can have difficulty deciding where to start digging to find it. Following the flow of a seemingly random freestyle writing exercise, The Big Blue Turtle just starts digging. With a humorous tone, it explores the concepts of life and death, drawing from multiple theories and developments in the human world. Can we really 'survive' death? This book argues that we can and provides information on how to do just that. It also discusses a myriad of other intertwining topics, laid out with all the grace of a neighborhood yard sale, upon the tables of which the reader may find something interesting or even useful. Is it new? Of course not. It's a yard sale. But if you dig a bit, you might find something new to you, something of immeasurable value, something that might even shed light on our true purpose in this expansive universe.

Published by Fulton Books, Matthew Coleridge's book is a comprehensive read that gives people more knowledge and understanding about life and death concepts and theories in the world. This book can help people reflect and develop a radical growth mindset.

Readers who wish to experience this relevant work can purchase "The Big Blue Turtle: The Meaning of Life and How to Survive Death" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books