Market Local™ Looks to Open Offices in Top 300 U.S. Cities, Sales Positions Open

Market Local™ is breaking out new offices in the top 300 US cities. Sales professionals ready to put their skills behind such a marketable product, the new offices may be just the place for the next career move.

Developing mobile web apps for SMBs, Market Local™ has been breaking barriers on every mobile platform--Apple, Android, Blackberry, and Windows. Now Market Local™ is breaking another barrier, breaking out new offices in the top three hundred cities in the U.S. and looking for the right salespeople to bring their enthusiasm and creativity to the team.

"In order for a website to be easily viewed and navigated on a mobile device, it needs to be offered in a mobile version". Said, Mike Davis, Director of Marketing. With a four hundred percent increase in mobile searches reported by Google last year, the need for business websites to support mobile viewing is more important than ever. Market Local™ provides that functionality, combined with Google analytics for statistics tracking, GPS navigation, mobile messaging advertising campaigns and push notifications.

The advanced design studio at Market Local™ provides features that could only be found on the mobile sites of the big brands, but now a solid and attractive mobile website design is within the reach of every company. The top ten design features wanted by every mobile user are incorporated into each Market Local™ mobile web app:

1. Quick reading--For the user-on-the-go, quick loading content with just key information is the most accessible.
2. Simple navigation--The user needs to be able to easily see how to get where they want to go.
3. Be Thumb friendly--Touchscreen mobile devices are designed for user motions of swipes and screen touching, so buttons need to be easy to click with a thumb.
4. Accessibility is key--Only formats that can be viewed on any mobile platform should be used.
5. Design for visibility --Content should fit onscreen and text should be readable without users having to pinch and zoom to enlarge. Making use of negative space, creating contrast between background and text and using color to indicate link/ button priority makes it easier to read text on a mobile phone.
6. Convert easily--Reduce the number of actions or steps to complete any action, and allow users to place a phone call with a single touch.
7. Keep it Local--As our name implies, Market Local follows the principle that the majority of mobile internet use is intended for finding and interacting with nearby businesses. Allowing mobile users to get directions or maps is a key function.
8. Keep it seamless--When customers view a site on phones as well as computers, the sites should feel similar.
9. Redirect to mobile sites--A user on a mobile device should automatically get the mobile view.
10. Listen and learn--launch a site and tweak it as necessary if there are glitches.

Everyone who has dealt with the frustrations of trying to cope with an unfriendly site on a handheld device understands the rewards of a mobile-specific version.

For sales professionals ready to put their skills behind these exciting mobile marketing products, the new offices may be just the place for the next career move.

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