Manya McLoyd's New Book "Arrianna, the Littlest Angel" is a Heartwarming Story About a Young Girl Living in Heaven and is Called to Be Reborn on Earth.

Recent release "Arrianna, the Littlest Angel" from Covenant Books author Manya McLoyd is a spellbinding, uplifting story about young Arrianna, the littlest angel living in the amazing wonders of heaven, who is then called by the angel Gabriel to be born on earth to new parents—excited, Arrianna decides to remember all about her heavenly life and write a letter to her mother about it all.

Manya McLoyd, a married mother, grandmother, stepmother, and great-grandmother from Kansas City who was encouraged to write from a young age, has completed her new book, “Arrianna, the Littlest Angel”: a beautiful picture of heaven for children and parents alike.

Manya shares from her book, “There was a little angel who lived in heaven that couldn’t wait to be born. Her name was Arrianna.

One day while playing in heaven’s garden, she fell asleep under a tree. The spirit of dreams covered her and allowed her to dream about having parents.

She saw them in her dreams, but she couldn’t see their faces.

When she awoke, she was so excited about having new parents that she wanted to write her mother a letter, even though it was just a dream.

While lying there under the tree, she thought, ‘How am I going to get this letter to her?’ Then she thought again, ‘I will give it to my guardian mother, and she will deliver it to her in a dream when it is time.’

Arrianna loved living in heaven. She wanted to tell her new mother all about her life there. She wanted her mother to know how God blessed her with new parents in a dream. So, she began to write her mother a letter.”

Published by Covenant Books of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, Manya McLoyd’s new book is a touchingly imaginative answer to children’s questions about what heaven and angels are like.

As Arrianna describes in her letter a place of love and peace without boundaries to its wonder—with racing chariots, giant butterflies, golden streets, guardian angels, and Almighty God himself—both children and parents will find their wildest imaginations surpassed and delighted.

Readers can purchase “Arrianna, the Littlest Angel” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble.

Covenant books is an international Christian owned and operated publishing house based in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Covenant Books specializes in all genres of work which appeal to the Christian market. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Covenant Books at 843-507-8373.

Source: Covenant Books

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