Manhattan's New Book 'Genesis' is an Intriguing Novel That Examines the Daily Struggles of an Ex-Prisoner as He Rejoins Society

Fulton Books author Manhattan, a dedicated father and husband, has completed his most recent book "Genesis": a deeply absorbing piece of fiction that revolves around the last ninety days of Manhattan's prison life. He reminisces the ups and downs he encountered while serving his sentence. He also talks about the important people that helped him survive the life away from society. As the ninety days come to an end, another set of challenges await him in the real world; that includes a person that symbolizes his new beginning, Genesis.

"You as the reader will be given a glimpse into the last ninety days of the protagonist Manhattan's life in prison before release after a twenty-year sentence reminiscent about his past crew already projecting the missing of his present crew over the past twenty years of prison, his lover/prison female correctional officer and ending of their relationship, and the stress of having to return to society after a twenty-year gap that may have left him behind compounded with the fact that he is hearing voices telling him to find Genesis, which could mean anything to him. The least he was losing his mind."

Published by Fulton Books, Manhattan's book is an interesting read that depicts life inside and outside the walls of prison. The portrayal of the protagonist's struggle in adjusting himself to society after two decades of being locked up is realistically done by the author.

It's an introspective read worthy of one's time.

Readers who wish to experience this gripping work can purchase "Genesis" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Author Support via email at or via telephone at 877-210-0816. 

Source: Fulton Books