Louise Murray's New Book 'We're All God's Children… Are You?' Is An Inspirational Life Story About A Black Woman Exposing The Truth About Black Life In America

Fulton Books author Louise Murray, a retired supervisor in the Audit and Review unit at The State Insurance Fund, has completed her most recent book "We're All God's Children… Are You?": an astounding journal about the life of a Black woman in America for over eight decades experiencing the unlikely way people treat other people of color.

Louise writes, "Hate has filled the minds and hearts of the people, so much so that we are now sitting on a tinderbox. Any second, it will explode. It has been leaking out slowly over a period of time, and now it is ready. This book tells the story of one Black woman's life here in America for eighty-one years. Eighty-one years of what we are going through now and more. This book is an open door; it tells the truth about Black life here in this country and what a Black child endures throughout its life in this country. Freedom? What is freedom for a Black child?"

Published by Fulton Books, Louise Murray's book is an eye-opening diary of a Black woman sharing a story not only about her life but also, the lives of Black children in America who were treated with injustice and abuse.

Readers who wish to experience this stirring work can purchase "We're All God's Children… Are You?" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Gregory Reeves via email at gregory@fultonbooks.com or via telephone at 877-210-0816.

Source: Fulton Books