Look Inside Walls & Ceilings With Fiber Optics Video Camera to Find Hidden Mold, Advises Phillip Fry
Montrose, MI, September 4, 2015 (Newswire.com) - "Homeowners, workplace managers, and commercial property owners should engage the services of an environmental or industrial hygienist to use a long-cabled fiber optics video inspection camera to look inside walls, ceilings, floors, and heating/cooling air ducts in areas where there is likely internal toxic mold growth because of roof leaks, plumbing leaks, or flooding," recommends Phillip Fry, Certified Environmental Hygienist, Professional Industrial Hygienist, and webmaster since 1999 of the mold authority website www.moldinspector.com.
"Toxic mold growth is likely to be found lurking inside areas of ceilings, walls, and floors into which water has intruded because of roof leaks, siding leaks, plumbing leaks, and flooding. We use an infrared camera and a moisture meter to find wet spots, but the best strategy is to cut one inch diameter entry holes for fiber optics video camera inspection into a number of ceiling and wall cavities in areas that register wet via infrared or that have water stains or damage or that are close to known present or past roof leaks and plumbing leaks," advises Mr. Fry, who is also a Certified Environmental Inspector, Certified Mold Inspector, and author of five mold books.
Mr. Fry's hygienist firm EnviroFry Upkeep Masters, LLC, provides infrared camera, moisture meter, fiber optics video camera and other mold inspection and testing services anywhere in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, and western Pennsylvania, or other areas in midwestern, eastern, and southern USA if the likely mold problem is big enough to require the mold inspection, testing, removal, and remediation services of skilled EnviroFry hygienists.
"Walls, ceilings, and floors need to be opened up in wet areas to find the full extent of the mold infestation and to do the ten mold removal steps that are explained at www.upkeepmasters.com,"
explains Fry.
Removing and discarding moldy building materials ("dumpster mold remediation") is the most important step to deal with advanced mold growth in residences, workplaces, and other commercial buildings. Fiber optics video camera inspection is an effective way to find the location of moldy building materials.
Phillip Fry
EnviroFry Upkeep Masters, LLC
10104 Sheridan Rd.,
Montrose, MI 48457
Phone toll-free 866-300-1616
Cell Phone 480-310-7970
http://www.moldinspector.com and