Localsports.com Re-launches In A Post PC World

localsports.com this week re-launched after several years on the shelf. localsports dot com, llc (originally launched as Local Sports.com Inc. in 1998) reorganized its business after the .com bubble burst in 2001.

localsports.com this week re-launched after several years on the shelf. localsports dot com, llc (originally launched as Local Sports.com Inc. in 1998) reorganized its business after the .com bubble burst in 2001 as it never found the right investment partner. With the influx of social, web 2.0+ and the diminishing costs launching the technology the timing was right for a re-launch of the concept of building a network to build local sports content.

The business model has changed slightly in that instead of being totally corporate owned, the company will license territories by region, nation, state/province, city and ending with the content zone of a team, club, college, high school, event or any sport organization seeking to promote themselves. The company also will initially start as an aggregator of content and migrate into social submission and evolve into original content creation through its end licensees.

localsports.com launched BETA 1 this week and began consuming localized feeds in the Charleston, SC market tweaking the backend systems and will begin further development over the next few weeks to include national and international feeds with the addition of licensees. Also, it will move quickly into the post pc world of mobile devices and applications to enable licensees to create content with greater ease.

"Ten plus years after our initial launch I am still amazed that the void of local sports content still exists today. Back in 2001 we never found the right funding partners, but the timing is right to address this local content void with the use of today's aggregation, social and content development tools and devices in the 'Post PC' world we are in. When we launched back in 1998 the set of challenges we had to overcome with cost of technology such as laptops, getting connected at events, software to create content; those challenges just don't exist today. The speed at which mobile devices such as phones and tablets, apps and connectivity are growing should enable local sport content creation like never before." noted co-founder Michael Douglas Smith.

About localsports dot com llc

localsports dot com llc
1150 Hungryneck Blvd
Suite C-122,
