Larry D Kendrick's New Book 'Gunslinger to Lawman' is a Gripping Tale of a Man in Pursuit of Vengeance Who Ended Up Becoming a Great Lawman Who Serves His People

Fulton Books author Larry D Kendrick, a paratrooper and communications specialist in the US Army before being honorably discharged as a disabled veteran, has completed his most recent book "Gunslinger to Lawman": an emotionally charged novel that revolves around Sheriff Kriss Talbot; a 20-year-old gunslinger whose family got brutally murdered when he was just a child. The tragedy sent Kriss to a life of revenge and retribution. He eventually turns over a new leaf and decides to genuinely serve his community as a law enforcement officer.

"This novella is based on the character Sheriff Kriss Talbot from Cattle Drive 1882, copyright 2021 Larry Kendrick, and there are several references to the novel. Kriss faced a family tragedy as a child with the murder of his entire family influencing his decision-making and leading to him becoming a gunslinger and later in life, a lawman. It includes several flashbacks interrupting the sequential order of the main narrative, giving the reader a look at past events in the character's life, offering a better understanding of present-day elements in the story."

Published by Fulton Books, Larry D Kendrick's book is an awe-inspiring historical fiction that proves how vengeance is a double-edged sword. It may give someone a cathartic feeling but that is just a fleeting emotion.

Larry D Kendrick presents a wonderful story on redemption and justice is definitely a great read!

Readers who wish to experience this potent work can purchase "Gunslinger to Lawman" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books