L. J. Kramer's New Book 'Tooth Fairies in Camouflage' is a Delightful Re-Imagining of the Stereotypical Frilly Tooth Fairy

L. J. Kramer, a pediatric speech-language pathologist, has completed her most recent book 'Tooth Fairies in Camouflage':  a rollicking and whimsical children’s story that takes a moment to re-invent one of the most recognizable figures in a child’s life.

L. J. Kramer knows all about young kids and their missing teeth. As a pediatric speech-language pathologist, she spent many therapy sessions with smiling children, many of whom proudly displayed a mouth full of wide open spaces…lots of gum along with a bit of white – tips of new teeth breaking through. She says, “It was during my work in Northern Virginia, an area heavy with military presence, that the idea of Tooth Fairies in Camouflage came to me. I hope that all children, those connected to the military along with those in the civilian world, will enjoy the idea of tooth fairies donned in camouflage.”

Published by Fulton Books, L. J. Kramer’s book tells the story of young Jack.  Jack is a primary-school student at a United States Department of Defense School. He loses his first tooth and is offered a frilly doll to store it in, but that doesn’t sit well with him. Jack raises his hand and asks why tooth fairies never wear camouflage and from that moment on the idea of tooth fairies is forever changed!

Readers who wish to experience this inspired and camouflaged work can purchase “Tooth Fairies in Camouflage” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Gregory Reeves via email at gregory@fultonbooks.com or via telephone at 877-210-0816.

Source: Fulton Books