KPA Legacy Sending Team Members to Quarterly Conference

Several members of KPA Legacy's team will be attending a quarterly conference along with the company's director, Dena. She stated that this will be a great learning opportunity for her associates.

For the branding specialists at KPA Legacy, it is essential to stay abreast of the latest innovations in their space. As such, Dena and her team are sure to regularly attend conferences with professionals from around the industry. Every quarter they take part in a leadership conference focused on sharing knowledge about business, growth, and management.

"Networking with our peers in the industry is quite important,"

Dena , Director

“Networking with our peers in the industry is quite important,” Dena stated. “It is the most effective way for us to remain up to date on the newest ideas in marketing. I have encouraged my team to make full use of every networking opportunity. They are ready to make great impressions on all the people who will be in attendance.”

Dena indicated that she has advised her team members to avoid giving sales pitches when networking. Instead, she believes that aiming to meet and learn about new people are better goals. They are more comfortable ways for most people to get to know others. Additionally, this approach leads to deeper, longer-lasting relationships.

“I want my team members at KPA Legacy to get the most out of this conference,” Dena said. “That’s why I have been helping them prepare for the event. Many of them have signed up to help out with sessions, which will increase their visibility. Additionally, we have researched who will be there and which subjects the sessions will address. This has helped my associates identify the best ways to use their time.”

KPA Legacy’s Director Discusses Presentation Skills

The KPA Legacy associates will have several opportunities to speak publicly during the conference. As such, Dena shared some insight into how to give excellent presentations. For example, she has advised her team members to avoid talking immediately at the start of a presentation. Instead, they should take a moment to simply breathe and collect their thoughts.

“Giving presentations can be difficult,” she said. “However, there are a few tricks to them. It is best to do them primarily to share knowledge rather than to gain anything in particular. This will make your message far more impactful.”

She also recommended making eye contact with audience members one by one. “A lot of people get eye contact wrong during presentations. I have found it is easiest to make eye contact with a specific person, and then move onto another person. This, along with the other tricks, will make the whole experience feel much more comfortable.”

About KPA Legacy

KPA Legacy is a results-driven provider of interactive sales promotions that heighten brand awareness and forge meaningful connections with consumers. The firm’s expertly-trained brand ambassadors utilize the latest methods to analyze markets and study demographics, and then follow through by combining their exceptional talents to craft customized campaigns that leave a lasting impact on the public. By focusing on the core values of cooperation, integrity, and excitement, the firm has separated itself from the competition and become known as a dynamic industry leader. With their sights set on expansion, KPA Legacy’s leaders are focused on a bright future.