Just in Time for the Holidays - Boolean Girl Tech Launches Boolean Box Micro With a Bluebird Inside

ARLINGTON, Va., November 24, 2021 (Newswire.com) - Boolean Girl announced the launch of its newest version of the Boolean Box, an interactive tool kit for kids to build their own computer and learn to code, build, invent and animate. The new Boolean Box micro features a programmable circuit board called a Bluebird so kids of all ages can invent mechanics using gears and blocks they control with code.
"You can open the box and start creating - that's what's so remarkable," says Brian Moran, co-founder of Boolean Girl. "There are so many ways to use the Bluebird. You can create wearables like a step counter, a pushup tracker, or a mood indicator for your jacket. You can add it to Lego projects and create musical equipment like a piano or guitar or even your own remote control robot."
The Boolean Box micro is a fast and easy way for a child to start learning coding and engineering while getting their feet wet with STEM. With free courses on Boolean U and the simple instructions in the box, it's fun and educational right away.
"Have you ever bought your kids a package of bricks only to have them build the thing once and leave it lying on the shelf? Now they can connect a computer to their creations and make things come to life," says Boolean Girl co-founder Sarah Eastman.
The new Boolean Box micro is available on the Boolean Girl Tech website (booleangirltech.com) and Amazon.
Source: Boolean Girl Tech