Join The Revolution Of Group Buying And Social Commerce Website Worldwide!

This deal is for group deal websites to mark their deals to revolutionize the concept of group deals.

You have heard of group deal website providing deals and this may not be news to you. However, there is a newly launched website called that provides the deal for the deal websites, to reach broader audience and mark their brands. This is possible by a simple concept of buying pixels in discounted price format. You can buy a pixel as low as 0.1$ with reducing 5% discount on every 50,000 pixel sold. The first lucky buyers would be availing a magnanimous discount and marking their brands and joining the evolution of group buying and social-commerce website worldwide.

Farah, who by profession is a researcher and a budding entrepreneur, an Ex-Yahoo!, having a patent in the online market space, has launched this website to highlight the importance of group buying and social commerce websites worldwide.

Group deal website has seen tremendous growth, despite recession driven misery in consumer spending and the sluggishness of the advertising market.

Group deals are making our lives exciting and explorative, be it luxury products, getaways, fine dining or services to pamper ourselves, everything is just a click away and the most interesting point is that all of these can be availed at an unimaginable discount. A college student doesn't actually have to wait for his first fat pay check to visit any hip and happening places in his/her city. Deal websites have completely changed our lives in some or the other way and has made the impossible a possibility!

She said in the coming years, ahead all e-commerce websites and social websites will be converted into some sort of deal/discount websites to accelerate this evolution over internet that is called real social commerce websites.

Let's see how much attractive is this deal for group deal websites to mark their deals to revolutionize the concept of group deals.

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