Jean Marie Joly ECPAT Appeal for Assistance to Help Victims in Pakistan and Guinea Bissau

Jean Marie Joly was instrumental in founding ECPAT France and Acting for Life with the principle of identifying and working with grass-root associations in poor countries that do not have the means to assist their own people.

Jean Marie Joly ECPAT France and Acting For Life ( funding director launches an appeal for assistance to flood victims in Pakistan and victims of child abuse in Guinea Bissau.

Jean Marie Joly, funding director of ECPAT France and of Acting For Life, recently launched an appeal on behalf of the related humanitarian associations for assistance to flood victims in Pakistan and to victims of child abuse in Guinea Bissau. Jean Marie Joly pointed out that both ECPAT and Acting for Life, which collaborate closely, have ample experience in Asia and Africa in numerous humanitarian programs and have proven that they can administer effective social programs with administrative overhead not exceeding 8-12% of the total budget.

"The present plight of Pakistan is well known from the media coverage of the disaster. It calls for immediate and varied assistance through associations capable of effectively getting help for reconstruction to people on the ground" said Jean Marie Joly of ECPAT.

Beyond Emergency: "The plight of children forced into abusive situations is less represented in the media but it is just as urgent. In the Republic of Guinea Bissau at present thousands of minors are sold as merchandise. The young people, vulnerable because of the misery of their family and the lack of jobs, are bought away from their families and exploited as domestic servants, agricultural workers, or as objects. Those children who later manage to escape have no choice but to turn to begging or unsafe and abusive jobs in order to survive. There is no other way to reintegrate them successfully into society than to teach them a sound profession."

"Two associations that are local partners with ECPAT and Acting For Life are addressing the problem. The association REJE, representing ECPAT International, has already administered instructional programs so that adults open their eyes to the issue of trafficking and attempt to help solve the problem. REJE also offers psychological support for the young victims of slavery and abuse. In parallel, DIVUTEC rural development structure, supports economics initiatives, and trains young people for agrarian professions, to help them avoid falling back into the hands of human traffickers.

These local associations also apply pressure on local authorities. In the last three years the intensity of trafficking has already begun to diminish and the legal system has convicted numerous traffickers. The new appeal for support of the work of both organizations is designed to ensure that this critically urgent work continues." explains Jean Marie Joly of ECPAT.

Contributions earmarked for the above purposes are exempt from tax. Eligible for tax credit, they may be sent to the following:

In Europe: Acting For Life (1050 avenue de l'Europe - BP 07 F-93352 Le Bourget Aeroport cedex - Tel. 33- - Fax 33- - e-mail : - website : - Secretary General, Jean Marie Joly.

In the United States: Acting For Life-USA. Contact Patrick Meaney, P.O. Box 748, Hebbronville TX 78361 tel 361-5274636.

About Jean Marie Joly and ECPAT

Jean Marie Joly was instrumental in founding ECPAT France and Acting for Life with the principle of identifying and working with grass-root associations in poor countries that do not have the means to assist their own people. ECPAT and Acting For Life can receive and administer contributions in various countries in Europe and in the United States and effectively network with these associations to provide technical and economic support, supervision and external audits, with reports at the end of the projects.

For additional information contact:
Patrick Meaney
P.O. Box 748, Hebbronville TX 78361


About Jean Marie Joly Ecpat

Jean Marie Joly Ecpat
Jean Marie Joly Ecpat
P.O. Box 748,
