Jason Willins Raises Profile of Health Benefits of Massage Therapy

Denver, CO, February 20, 2017 (Newswire.com) - Jason Willins, a massage therapist from Denver, CO, has recently started a walking journey around the state border of Colorado as a way to support important charities. He believes that one of the main reasons why he has been able to do this, is due to the fact that he regularly uses the services of massage therapists. The health benefits, according to him, are tremendous, increasing people's well being across the spectrum of physical and mental health.
Jason Willins says: "Once upon a time, massages were for the rich and famous only. They would attend luxury spas at members only health clubs. However, scientific research has demonstrated that massage therapy has fantastic health benefits, and this quickly increased not just its popularity, but also its availability. While the luxury spas still exist, this type of therapy is no longer available solely for the wealthy."
"Massage has fantastic benefits, but it isn't a replacement for traditional medical care."
Jason Willins, Massage Therapist
Massage is composed of specialized techniques that involve manipulating, rubbing, and pressing the body's ligaments, tendons, muscles, and skin. It can be performed in a variety of different ways, ranging from deep pressure to light stroking. Massage is a technique that has been used all over the world for thousands of years. As a result of this, there are certain recognized disciplines of massage therapy as a whole. These include:
The Swedish massage, which is a gentle, comfortable form of massage, whereby the therapist kneads, uses long strokes, and makes deep circular movements. It also includes tapping and vibration. This type of massage helps energize the people receiving the massage, while relaxing them at the same time.
"I have been on the road for a while now, and I've yet to determine what I look forward to the most," adds Jason Willins, "my hot shower or my daily Swedish massage. It helps soothe my muscles, and literally washes away the stresses of the day, making me feel ready for the next day."
The deep massage, which is a slower form of massage, with more forceful strokes. It targets the deep connective tissues and muscles. This massage is most effective on people who have suffered an injury.
The sports massage, which is a lot like the Swedish form. However, it is targeted specifically on those who engage in sports activities. The goal is to prevent injuries or treat them if they have already occurred. Naturally, Willins will use sports massage during his journey as well.
The trigger point massage, which targets a specific area where the muscle fibers are very tight. This commonly happens when there has been overuse of a muscle, or an injury.
The world of health care continues to see massage as a form of alternative or complementary medicine. However, more research are suggesting that it should be considered as a viable form of treatment for a variety of situations and medical conditions, that go above and beyond muscle tissue injury. Scientific studies have conclusively proven that massage therapy can help to reduce muscle tension, generalized pain, and stress.
Research is continuing in what the health benefits of massage therapy are on specific illnesses. So far, the outlook is positive for people who suffer from:
Temporomandibular joint pain
Sports injuries
Soft tissue injuries or strain
Myofascial pain syndrome
Stress related insomnia
Digestive disorders
Clearly, massage therapy has benefits for very specific diseases and conditions. Besides this, having a massage induces feelings of connection, comfort, and caring. It helps the brain to release "happy" hormones, making people feel happy and relaxed.
Of course, massage therapy is not a miracle cure for various illnesses. "Massage has fantastic benefits, but it isn't a replacement for traditional medical care," explains Jason Willins. "If I break a bone, I wouldn't expect a massage to make that better, for instance. In fact, massaging a broken bone will only make matters worse. This is why I do recommend that people, and particularly those with underlying health conditions, to speak to their general physician first."
Willins refers in particular to people with severe thrombocytopenia, severe osteoporosis, fractures, deep vein thrombosis, burns or healing wounds, those who take blood thinning medication, or those who have bleeding disorders. Those who suffer from these conditions need to discuss the pros and cons of having a massage with their physician first. The same is true for people with unexplained pain, cancer, or those who are pregnant.
While massages are made to be relaxing, some will make people feel somewhat sore at the end of the day. However, it is important to note that a massage shouldn't be uncomfortable or painful. Willins ends: "If anything doesn't feel right, tell your therapist straightaway."
Source: Jason Willins