James Robb, a Consulting Pathologist at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), Joins CloudLIMS Scientific Advisory Board

CloudLIMS announced today the joining of Dr. James Robb, foremost expert and thought leader on pathology, to its scientific advisory board. His guidance is valuable in empowering pathological and molecular diagnostic laboratories with an advanced informatics solution. 

Dr. Robb is a recognized expert in biospecimen science with over 50 years of experience in molecular pathology, virology, and genetics. He is board certified in anatomic pathology, clinical pathology, cytopathology, and dermatopathology. Dr. Robb is a consulting pathologist to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the Office of Biorepositories and Biospecimen Research (OBBR). He served as a member of the council on scientific affairs, the CSA Education Working Group, the Council on Education, the Personalized Health Care Committee, the Ad Hoc Committee on Pathology Report Standardization, and the CSA Working Group on Informed Consent for Biospecimens. He was the leader of the NCI's Cancer Human Biobank (caHUB) Biospecimens Subgroup, NCI's US-Latin America Cancer Research Network (US-LA CRN) Pathology Committee, and National Community Cancer Center Program (NCCCP). Dr. Robb was the governor of the College of American Pathologists (CAP) Informatics committee, an organization comprising of over 18,000 board-certified pathologists. 

Dr. Robb, graduated with a BA in theoretical physics from the University of Colorado. He then enrolled at School of Medicine at the University of Colorado Medical School in 1965, and earned his MD degree with honors. He completed his pathology residency and molecular biology training at the Yale University and went on to become a senior surgeon at NIH. After NIH, he moved to the Department of Pathology, University of California San Diego (UCSD); worked as a staff pathologist at Scripps Clinic, La Jolla, California; and lately served as the Director of Anatomic and Molecular Pathology, Cedars MC, Miami, Florida. Dr. Robb's research interests include molecular oncologic and neurotropic virology. 

"Dr. Robb joining our scientific advisory board will play a pivotal role in strengthening BioTracer's capability to efficiently manage biospecimens and their clinical outcomes. His expertise will supplement our efforts in reducing the turnaround time required for medical research," said Arun Apte, CEO at CloudLIMS.

About CloudLIMS​:
Established in 2013, CloudLIMS.com is an energetic team of professionals dedicated to producing cutting edge laboratory automation solutions. Our mission is to provide affordable solutions that are scalable, configurable and secure for use in biorepositories, research and testing laboratories. More information is available at: www.cloudlims.com

Mayuri Pachori

Source: CloudLIMS