J. M. Cobb's New Book 'Codename: The Final' is a Riveting Discovery of Self and Reaching Objectives

J. M. Cobb, an author who has completed three books, along with two full D&D campaigns; has completed his most recent book “Codename: The Final”: a gripping and potent fiction that follows Eliot discovering there is more to the world he is yet to know as he weighs upon himself what path he will choose in achieving his destiny.

Jacob writes, “Codename: The Final is about someone who feels he doesn’t belong in a world he no longer understands. Eliot King (Eli for short) has been graced with powers, leading him into a lonely life, though he will soon find out he isn’t alone, and the world is a lot bigger than he expected. He is filled with constant self-doubt and choices he wants no part of. Follow Eli as he figures out who he truly is and was meant to be—Eliot, another cog in the machine of life, or Final, savior to a race of people he didn’t know existed just a few months ago. Along with help from friends along the way, can he save everyone or only himself for the downfall before him and the Order Beyond?”

Published by Fulton Books, J. M. Cobb’s book is an incredible novel that will interest readers of all ages with a story that gets more thrilling as our protagonist take greater risks in veering away from the downfall.

Readers who wish to experience this exciting work can purchase “Codename: The Final” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Gregory Reeves via email at gregory@fultonbooks.com or via telephone at 877-210-0816.

Source: Fulton Books