J. A. Allen's New Book 'A Willowed Rose' is a Meaningful Collection Exploring the Wide Range of Emotions That Comes With a Troubled Headspace

Fulton Books author, J. A. Allen, a fascinating woman, has completed her most recent book "A Willowed Rose": a deeply emotional anthology that bravely confronts the overwhelming emotions of love, misery, and loss. These are moving and intimate poems created to comfort those who need a warm hug.

Allen shares, "Rose (adj.): The symbol of sensuality, love, lust, beauty, passion.

Willowed (idiom): To grieve for loss or unrequited love.

A Willowed Rose: An intimate in-depth poetic autobiography by a young lass that captures the beauty, pain, and loss of oneself through the navigation of turbulent tides that is mental health."

Published by Fulton Books, J. A. Allen's book is a heartfelt piece that explores the complexities of mental health.

The read is pure, raw, and unapologetically done.

Readers who wish to experience this gripping work can purchase "A Willowed Rose" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books