IT Chimes Launches Its First Mobile Web Development Website

"US Based Web & Application Development Company, with its staff gathers to launch its mobile version."

Acting steadfast to the ongoing trend in the industry of Information Technology, IT Chimes launched its first mobile development website recently. The launch is believed to be an innovative step that will bring new waves of development in the company. The company has also precipitated its ongoing strategies to ensure the success of the venture.

Today Cell phones are probably the most used devices by the people across the globe. And to attain ubiquitous success in the industry, it is somewhat inevitable to go mobile instantly. This phenomenal mobile launch of the company's website will directly influence its popularity for good by improving visibility across the globe irrespective of possible barriers.

"Going mobile is the demand of the world today. But it's just not about building a mobile website to gain that momentum on web. You require specialization, experts, skilled and technical savvy team members to probably taste the success. Having launched the mobile version of IT Chimes is half war won, we are looking more to create that unbreakable zone of success. And we are at it," the managing director of IT Chimes, Vibhu Satpaul, was quoted as saying during an event held to launch the mobile website.

The mobile version of IT Chimes is predicted to rule the industry. The experts believe that the site is exceptionally created and designed with some unique user-friendly features that will turn the user experience phenomenal on mobile devices. In fact, the site has multiple user-friendly features to help visitors find convenience while browsing throughout their requirements step by step.

Bringing online businesses to mobile devices is proven to have been one of the most trusted strategies to success in the industry. Over 5 billion people in the world carry cell phone devices out of which 70 percent use it for internet browsing. The global exposure is high on the devices and, thus, success rate also increases.

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