International Institute For Research Performance Management, IPERF, Founded
Online, August 22, 2012 ( - The International Institute for Research Performance Management, IPERF, with headquarters in Luxembourg, was founded by an internationally renowned group of researchers, academics and consultants. The institute conducts performance measurement and management in R&D. IPERF offices in Luxembourg and Heidelberg plan close co-operation with eufom, the European University for Economics and Management in Luxembourg, the Institute for Entrepreneurship, Technology Management and Innovation (EnTechnon) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), and the Institute of Software Business & Information Management at the Technical University of Darmstadt.
The objective of the Institute, as explained by Managing Director Dr Tatjana Samsonowa, is to further develop and implement systematic R&D performance measurement in industry. These indicators allow evaluation of research organizations and their processes in both business and governmental organizations. "There is no doubt," said Samsonowa, "that research and innovation, as well as, information and knowledge are important for differentiation and are critical success factors for companies in the globalized economy." The share of knowledge-intensive products and services is steadily on the rise and the knowledge society has arrived. Our knowledge economy must enable knowledge-based business models and meaningful systems should capture not only the creation of knowledge, but more importantly its transformation into innovation, and then its commercialization.
Dr Peter Jeutter, Chairman of IPERF, emphasized: "One of the major knowledge producers are research institutions, including universities and scientific institutes, as well as, research departments of companies. These often obtain substantial public funding, for example from the European Commission." The funding bodies must independently evaluate these research projects in real terms.
IPERF will expand the existing network of experts and provide industry with a platform for knowledge exchange in Research Performance Management, including industry-oriented learning, research and consulting on topics such as the optimization of IP or open innovation strategy. An industry-specific benchmark system is already in production, which aligns knowledge creation in R&D with its exploitation through innovation and link to the overall company strategy.
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