InstaConversion - Lift Revenues While Improving Customer Service With InstaConversion

The InstaConversion automated sales person appears just as your customer is about to leave without signing up or buying something, and persuades them to purchase with the help of an incentive, or simply by introducing a sense of urgency to the transa

As a merchant selling a top notch product online, what do you do about the ever present problem of shopping cart abandonment and sales page drop offs? If there was one definitive answer to this irksome problem, just think of the money that could be saved on marketing strategies, the endless time and energy that could be saved trying to come up with solutions, and think of the financial boost your company could receive if this were simply no longer as great a problem.

Enter Mizzen Media's InstaConversion program, geared specifically towards tackling this frustrating issue - and it actually works and works across the board! What InstaConversion offers is a mechanism by which your visitors are skillfully guided back to your sales page before they have an opportunity to fully quit your site. The InstaConversion automated sales person appears just as your customer is about to leave without signing up or buying something, and persuades them to purchase with the help of an incentive, or simply by introducing a sense of urgency to the transaction.

Research into internet shopping behaviour has yielded some interesting findings of late, including the fact that upwards of 99% of customers who visit an e-commerce site or the like will ultimately leave without completing the purchase. Mizzen Media has developed their InstaConversions program in response to this sort of problem, and have brainstormed a way to compel the internets most typical shopper, the 'complacent visitor', to actually follow through with that purchase/membership/etc. that they otherwise would have passed on.

InstaConversion claims to be able to rescue between 10-30% of these potentially lost sales from the first day a company renders it live on their site. "It's truly a business saving wonder, or least it has been for us" raves a satisfied merchant in the online clothing sector "we of course love that it has increased our sales significantly, but the real beauty is that this is a fully managed program - we have never had to do anything as our InstaConversions account manager takes care of it all, yet the sales keep rolling in. It's really fantastic!".

Further information regarding Mizzen Media's InstaConversion program can be found at

About InstaConversions
