Indie Authors Receive Assistance

Bestselling author of over 150 published books, Robert Stanek has a passion to help other independently published authors reach their goals.

Robert Stanek, bestselling author of over 150 published books, has a passion to help other independently published authors reach their goals. Stanek lives in Washington State, but his reach is international via the internet. Over the past 11 years he has developed several venues to help promote and market indie authors giving them more online exposure and visibility. He works diligently to offer ways in which to showcase new authors and books. One example is his blog (

Stanek started his writing career as a technical writer in 1995 with his titles Electronic Publishing Unleashed and Web Publishing Unleashed that went on to become popular reads for people in web design, web development and programming. He then branched into publishing fiction in 2001 before the big movement of authors turned to publishing on their own. At that time, he was at the forefront of the indie publishing wave of this decade and firmly believes that in today's world of electronic reading devices such as Kindle and Nook publishing independently is the only way to go.

"Indie publishing gives authors more control over their works and more opportunities," states Stanek in an interview. "As an indie, authors get a greater share of the revenues as well, which allows authors to price their work very competitively."

On the flip side, many people feel that hard-bound paper books will never be replaced. That may be true, but the audience of book fans that is turning to the ereading devices becomes more and more each day with millions of books being downloaded. Stanek is a forerunner in that arena and will help as many indie authors as possible along the way.

If you would like to be a featured author on his blog can visit or email him at readindies (at) for more information.