Iconic Ventures, Inc. Announces Significant Distribution Updates on ilo Vapor's DabTabs™ Product Line in California

Multi-brand Launch Planned in Critically Important California Market
DabTab™ and DabTab GO™

​Iconic Ventures, Inc., the parent company of ilo Vapor™, is pleased to announce the finalization of terms for a two-year California distribution agreement, with contracted total revenue in excess of $4,000,000.

“California is a critical market and we understand that a strong partner, with capacity and capability, is the key to success,” said Ray Utech, VP of Finance at ilo Vapor. “In Halo Labs, we have a partner with top-tier distribution in Nabis, premium products, including full-spectrum live resin, Gilt brand™ Dabtabs, and the modern facilities to meet our stringent quality standards,” he continued.

DabTabs are manufactured from a proprietary ceramic that is biologically inert, made from natural minerals, 100% sourced and manufactured in the United States, and manufactured to NSF 61 standards. It is manufactured to standards certifying that the product is free from lead, arsenic, mercury, and other heavy metals, in an environmentally neutral form – pure enough for drinking water or air filtration.

“When we first encountered Michael Lindars and his team at Iconic Ventures, we knew we’d found something uncommon. Their commitment to innovation, eye for design, and proven history of creating brands that consumers love makes ilo Vapor an ideal technology partner,” said Kiran Sidhu, CEO of Halo Labs, Inc. “We look forward making DabTabs a primary product in our California strategy and have plans to launch of multiple brands of concentrate loaded into DabTabs,” he continued.

The agreement specifies cooperative education, marketing, and co-branding efforts to set DabTabs as the new standard for concentrate consumption. DabTabs allow cannabinoid and hemp producers to provide vaporizable concentrates and extracts to consumers without the need for diluents, adulterants, or other additives that can come with traditional cartridge delivery. When paired with novel devices such as the DabTabs GO or the Shatterizer™ Dabtabs Edition, they offer a complete solution to replace traditional cartridges. DabTabs and DabTabs GO products are currently available in California, Nevada, Maryland, Washington, Arizona, Michigan, Delaware, and Oregon with at least six additional states coming online before the end of 2019.


About ilo Vapor: 

Founded in 2016, ilo Vapor, a division of Iconic Ventures Inc., has been quietly developing groundbreaking new technology for cannabis consumption, engineering innovative products that deliver unparalleled vaporization experiences. ilo Vapor is a Portland, Oregon based technology, brand, and product development company engineering patented & patent-pending vaporization technology devices and solutions through cutting-edge technology and innovative design.


For more information or questions, please contact: press@ilovapor.com

Investor Relations: ir@ilovapor.com

Websites: www.ilovapor.com www.dabtabs.com

Source: ilo Vapor

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About ilo vapor

ilo's mission is to disrupt the status quo of how we perceive vaporization by reinventing the technology and creating clean, reliable, convenient products that deliver the optimal experience.

ilo vapor

Portland, OR

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