How to Save RDS Servers From Hackers in Less Than 5 Minutes

Cloud computing and mobile access are the next steps in the digital world. With everything at stake, protecting your RDS servers is not an option, it is mandatory. But most solutions are complex, sophisticated and time consuming for everyone involved. RDS-Knight isn't. Discover the wide power of this amazing tool in less than 5min.
RDS-Knight is a security tool for RDP

IT Administrators use all the benefits provided by Microsoft Remote Desktop services to connect and to work. However, it is risky for their users and for the information involved. With malicious intent, online attackers of all kinds threaten organizations. They attack Windows applications and data bases, without the organizations’ knowledge or consent.

As a unique product created by RDS-Tools, RDS-Knight provides a 360-degrees security protection for RDS servers. It is THE must-have security tool for every RDS Administrator.

In a matter of minutes, this powerful software will prevent foreign attacks from opening a session; avoid brute force attacks on the server; restrict access by device and time, and provide security for the remote users' environment.

RDS-Tools has recently released a short video, revealing RDS-Knight' s extreme efficiency to keep Windows RDS servers safe, thanks to 5 strong protective measures.  In only 1 minute per feature, a user named Russell highlights RDS-Knight' s amazing capabilities: VIDEO

  • Working Hours Restrictions: RDS-Knight enables time specification for when users are allowed to have opened sessions. It's as simple as that: when the office is closed, the computers are as well.
  • Homeland Access Protection: RDS-Knight protects Windows Servers against any dangerous or risky country, based on its location. All it takes is a few simple clicks and intruders will be blocked.
  • One Click to Secure Desktops: with only one click, RDS-Knight will enforce the Kiosk Mode that will shield Windows Servers and provide each user with a safe environment. Within a few minutes, administrators will get the best security level for each Remote Desktop Session: security without complexity.
  • Brute-Force Attacks Defender: RDS-Knight helps shield RDS users' passwords. By actively monitoring failed login attempts, RDS-Knight can automatically blacklist malicious IP addresses after several failures.

Step into a more secure world.

Download the right shield for Windows Servers now!

RDS-Knight, the right weapon against cyber criminals.

About RDS-Tools:

Since 1996, RDS-Tools has specialized in remote-access technology, widening its experience and expertise in deployments of all sizes – as large as 35,000 concurrent users.

After investing nearly seven years of R&D developing our flagship products, we are extremely proud to offer our customers such cost-effective and easy-to-use technology that obviates server complexity and delivers a powerful “server-based solution” which runs on any Microsoft system.

RDS-Tools provides 4 brand new technology choices which will greatly help you deploy your RDS/TSE servers: RDS WebAccess, RDS Print, RDS-Knight, and Server Genius.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or sales inquiries please send us an email at and we will be pleased to answer you as soon as possible.

Media Contact:
Floriane Mer
​Marketing Manager


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Since 1996, RDS Tools has specialized in remote-access technology. RDS Tools provides the easiest-to-use and most cost-effective tools available to assist RDS Administrators and IT Management Service Providers in exploiting the ever-increasing power and economy of today's computing hardware.



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