How to Become a Procurement Rock Star

Procurement professionals should look to revolutionary procurement departments like who have found success by focusing on procure-to-pay transactions.

To be a successful business professional we must discipline ourselves to practice. For business professionals, that means staying on top of the industry trends. Webinars, conferences, LinkedIn Group discussions, industry forums, analyst reading and much more.

It is while attending these activities that we hear a reoccurring theme, a growing frustration amongst procurement professionals. More specifically, there is an ever-mounting frustration in the lack of credibility procurement is receiving within their corporate organizations.

The reality of procurement transformation projects being under-utilized and underappreciated is a common theme being heard throughout the marketplace.

- What's the "silver bullet"?
- What is procurement doing wrong?
- What can procurement do that will assist them to change the mounting frustration to a positive outcome?
- Do the solutions reside in better spend-visibility; another transformation model; outsourced sourcing, etc?

Rather than spending months or years, analyzing, sourcing, negotiating and hoping to get adoption, professionals need only look to a few recent revolutionary procurement departments who have dramatically and rapidly achieve success by simply focusing on procure-to-pay transactional volume.

Now this isn't possible with just any "solution" but if you look at the common denominators these transformation programs share, it comes down to creating so much demand, so rapidly, that it outpaces any of the in-depth process and complicated analysis traditionally being experienced by procurement.

Greg Tennyson, CPO of SalesForce, has not only transformed the entire procurement organization's value to the enterprise, it has also substantiated the overall process value in a fraction of the normal time. Additionally, the measurement of overall success has been in the fact that the program and processes have taken them to over 90% of addressable spend under management.

In a new whitepaper by HCMWorks, the spot light on & Rent-A-Center who have achieved Procurement Rock Star status. Visit to download this rocking revolutionary report.