How Kenya's Justice Minister Martha Karua Framed William Ruto MP is exposing how Kenyan vice presidential candidate William Ruto was framed on charges of crimes against humanity by former justice minister Martha Karua acting with allies of Prime Minister Odinga and US Government agency US Aid.

William Ruto, vice presidential candidate in the current Kenyan General election is charged at the ICC with crimes against humanity. has been exposing how he was framed by one of the current presidential candidates (former Justice Minister Martha Karua) with the help of allies of another (Prime Minister Raila Odinga). The false witnesses against Ruto recruited by Karua received allowances from US Government agency US Aid.

The Mainstream Kenyan media refuse to report the story, likewise the BBC which says it is a matter for the ICC. However as documented at gileshumphry/com/politics the ICC looks as if it won't give a fair trial. The prosecutor is using hired liars and the court has granted the prosecution motion to be allowed nearly unlimited witness coaching. Former Odinga aide Tony Gachoka was denied a visa to the Hague at the request of the ICC when he tried to deliver evidence that would have thrown the prosecutor's case in doubt.

"The Jackal" (a kind of Kenyan Wikileaks) reported on the story and was subjected to a massive hacking attack. The perpetrators are desperate to keep the story under wraps until after the election. The ICC indictments of Ruto and his running mate Uhuru Kenyatta are being used by Odinga's supporters to discredit them. Yet the mainstream media doesn't want the Kenyan people to know that Ruto was framed by Odinga's allies or that Kenyatta may have been charged as a result of a plot by the ODM (leader Raila Odinga).

Anyone wishing to follow up is free to quote from and the attached essay "The Framing of William Samoei Ruto:How Martha Karua Made an Ass Out of International Law.

13 West Green Road
