How Can You Avoid an ERP Implementation Failure? ERP Advisors Group Tells Us How

Video thumbnail: Curtis Wait, ERP Advisors Group Principal Consultant

On Wednesday, Sept. 16, ERP Advisors Group hosted a conference call and live podcast on how to avoid an ERP implementation failure.

Watch the full video here:

Shawn Windle, the Founder and Managing Principal of ERP Advisors Group, noted that getting the promised functionality from an ERP system is an important factor in project success. “Ultimately, an ERP implementation failure is a project that doesn’t go live with what key stakeholders expected,” said Windle. “Of course, if it goes live much later than planned or it’s significantly over budget, that is also a failure.”

EAG Principal Consultant Curtis Wait provided insights into the most common causes for project failure. “The three things that I’ve seen cause the most trouble are, number one, you don't have a team that is experienced with ERP,” said Wait. “Number two, not allowing adequate time for people to work on the project when they also have day-to-day jobs to do. And number three, not writing things down. There are hundreds of decisions to make and steps involved, and you need a written record of what you’re doing.”

The full conference call is available as a podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other major podcast providers.

ERP Advisors Group provides ERP implementation consulting services to help organizations avoid an implementation failure. As Windle noted, “We have so many tools and resources available to help you identify the problems, there’s really no reason why you should fail. Regardless of platform, we want organizations to go live successfully.”

Watch here:

ERP Advisors Group is one of the world’s most trusted enterprise software advisory firms. Helping hundreds of organizations find the right solutions to meet their unique needs, ERP Advisors Group is technology independent, with a proven track record of successful software selections that lead to successful go-lives.

Media Contact:
​Shaun Orthmann

Source: EAG