Highlighting Hope 4 Haiti

Feller Business Solutions is donating 100% of the profits from sales to the Chicago Red Cross for relief efforts in haiti.

Feller Business Solutions, an independent office products dealer in the Chicagoland area held a fundraising promotion "Highlighting Hope 4 Haiti". Customers were notified that 100% of the profits from orders placed on Thrusday 1/21/10 would be donated to the Chicago Red Cross for relief efforts in Haiti. "We thought that this was the perfect day, as this corresponded with the Red Cross telephone raising funds", said Feller President, Wendy Pike.

"Our employees wanted to do something. The idea came up Wednesday afternoon, and we had it put into motion that evening." Customers received an e-mail blast and the promotion was also featured on the company webpage, facebook and twitter. The response was overwhelming. Daily sales were up by more than 50%. Customers who had just received orders, worked to find something to order and get in on the promotion.